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ArticleName Dealing with geodynamic safety challenges in cooperation with a mining company: A case-study
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.05.06
ArticleAuthor Abrashitov A. Yu., Shabarov A. N., Korchak P. A., Kuranov A. D.

Apatit’s Division in Kirovsk, Kirovsk, Russia:

A. Yu. Abrashitov, Director

P. A. Korchak, Head of MGIS Development Department


Research Center for Geomechanics and Mining Practice Problems, Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia:
A. N. Shabarov, Director, Doctor of Engineering Sciences,
A. D. Kuranov, Deputy Director, Candidate of Engineering Sciences


Intensification and growing depth of mining induces changes in the stress–strain behavior of rock mass, which initiates deformation processes of various nature. In order to provide the project rates of mine construction and the planned production output, it is required to develop and apply special measures aimed at the prompt detection of hazardous geodynamic (geomechanical) zones. The article describes the implemented package of activities on updating geological structure features of mineral deposits being in operation at Apatit’s Division in Kirovsk, construction of a geoinformation model including geomechanical and geodynamic peculiarities, testing of equivalent materials, as well as numerical modeling aimed to validate safety criteria for different geological conditions. A pilot testing routine of deformation and seismic monitoring systems and portable rockburst hazard devices is implemented. Specific weights of influence are obtained for each external factor under analysis in the bulk of the processed data on a rock burst probability. A procedure to predict points of hazardous geodynamic events in underground openings using artificial neural networks is developed and tested. The introduction of the proposed tools can enable prevention of hazardous situations which can lead to large-scale damages in mine up to shutdown of a production process. The article highlights the economic effect of the implemented activities and promptly made managerial decisions.
The authors appreciate participation of V. S. Onuprienko and A. A. Streshnev from Apatit’s Division in Kirovsk, I. Yu. Rasskazov, Director of the Khabarovsk Federal Research Center of the Far East Branch RAS, as well as S. V. Tsirel, K. V. Morozov, A. V. Suchilin, A. O. Rozanov, V. A. Kiselev and M. E. Melnitskaya from the Research Center for Geomechanics and Mining Practice Problems in the studies.

keywords Mineral mining, rock mass, stress–strain behavior, deformation processes, geomechanical models

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