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ArticleName Detection of water-bearing zones in neighborhood of Taimyrsky Mine
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.06.05
ArticleAuthor Darbinyan T. P., Bylkov A. V., Kuzmin S. V., Shnaider I. V.

NorNickel’s Polar Division, Norilsk, Russia:

T. P. Darbinyan, Director, Department of Mining Practice, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
A. V. Bylkov, First Deputy Director of Mineral Resources and Development


Siberian Coal Energy Company, Moscow, Russia:
S. V. Kuzmin, Research Manager in Geomechanics, Mine Planning Directorate, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,


Ingortech LLC, Yekaterinburg, Russia:

I. V. Shnaider, Head of Geoinformation System Management


Stability assessment is a governing factor of safety in underground mineral mining. The risks which foster instabilities in rock mass in the influence zone of geotechnical engineering structures in mining include karst cavities, faults, lenses and intense jointing zones filled with water. The alteration of stress state in rock mass of a block structure on all scales leads to the redistribution of jointed zones and to migration of gases and fluids. This study aims to assess the structure and parameters of rock mass in neighborhood of underground openings, and to detect water-bearing zones in it using the methods of seismic sounding. The functional testing results obtained by Mikon-GEO in mines of NorNickel’s Polar Division are presented. The field testing procedure and instrumentation are described, and the obtained data are interpreted. By way of illustration, the case-study of ventilation shaft VS 5 nearby water-bearing zones in Taimyrsky Mine is discussed. Sounding from different points and in different directions reveals zones of heavy jointing, with high probability of seepage in adjacent rock mass of ventilation shaft VS 5 in Taimyrsky Mine. At sounding points 1 and 2 (Level –950 m, VS 5), jointing has a high degree along the whole sounding route, and there are two especially contrast and vast zones of jointing. One zone of possible seepage is detected. The seepage probability in this zone is high, of the order of 70 %. There are also local zones of jointing and seepage in the influence zone of VS 5.

The authors appreciate contribution made to this research by the members of the Center for Geodynamic Safety at NorNickel’s Polar Division, namely, by V. P. Marusyuk, Director, M. P. Sergunin, Head of a department, Leading Specialist A. K. Ustinov, and M. Yu. Chebanyuk, Head of the Oktyabrsky Mine Project Implementation Office.

keywords Taimyrsky Mine, geophysical survey, seismic method, prediction, waterbearing zones, elastic moduli

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