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History of Metallurgy
ArticleName Pavel Petrovich Anosov – an outstanding scientist and statesman
DOI 10.17580/chm.2023.07.11
ArticleAuthor O. N. Bondareva

Empress Catherine II St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg, Russia:
O. N. Bondareva, Cand. Ped., Associate Prof., Dept. of Pedagogical Competences, e-mail:


The article is devoted to the analysis and generalization of factual material.The material is devoted to the life and work of the outstanding Russian scientist-metallurgist Pavel Petrovich Anosov (1796–1851), who created a unique recipe for the manufacture of domestic damask steel 190 years ago. New biographical facts, which influenced the formation of a multi-faceted personality of a scientist, statesman and educator have been systematized and introduced into scientific circulation. In particular, the role of A. F. Deryabin in the education, upbringing and professional development of P. P. Anosov is traced. The author of the article reveals for the first time the facts related to the period of Anosov's life before his admission to the St. Petersburg Mining Cadet Corps, namely his training and work in Votkinsk and Izhevsk. Based on the analysis of a wide range of sources of the XIX–XXI centuries (scientific works of P. P. Anosov, memoirs, monographs, events of local history and biographical studies, articles in periodicals) the facts of the life and work of P.P. Anosov as an outstanding graduate of the St. Petersburg Mining Cadet Corps (1817), who fully embodied the motto of his alma mater – “zeal for the service of the Fatherland and love for the benefit of it”, were considered. The importance of the educational institution in determining the direction of P. P. Anosov's professional and scientific interests is emphasized. Attention is drawn to the fact that the realization of Anosov as a scientist, developer of new unique technologies, inventor of machines and mechanisms and organizer of mining production took place at the Zlatoust factories in the period of 1817-1847. The special significance of P. P. Anosov's scientific and experimental activity is presented in the field of ferrous metallurgy, in particular, in the production of ligated and damask steels. The significant contribution of Anosov to the development of industrial, social and cultural life of the largest in the Urals Zlatoust mining district in the first half of the XIX century was noted. As a result of the conducted research, the author came to the conclusion that the life and work of P. P. Anosov is a unique example of the synthesis of an encyclopedic scientist, production manager, a patriot and a highly moral person.

keywords P. P. Anosov, Zlatoust, St. Petersburg Mining Cadet Corps, A. F. Deryabin, metallurgy, damascus steel, metallography, geology of the Urals, gold mining, history

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