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ArticleName Promising mining technologies for thin, steeply dipping and structurally complex deposits in the Streltsovo Ore Field
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.07.06
ArticleAuthor Lizunkin M. V., Lizunkin V. M., Babello V. A.

Transbaikal State University, Chita, Russia:

M. V. Lizunkin, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences,
V. M. Lizunkin, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences


Transbaikal State University, Chita, Russia1 ; Chita Division of the Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chita, Russia2:

V. A. Babello1,2, Head of laboratory, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences


At the present time, PIMCU’s mines 1 and 8 carry out operations at the Antey, Streltsovo and Maly Tulukuy deposits in the Streltsovo Ore Field. Natural uranium is extracted from thin, mostly steeply dipping and structurally complex lodes with a low content of metal, which make 70–80 % of the total volume of recovery. A commonly used mining system for such deposits is top-downward horizontal slicing with cemented paste backfill, which features high backfill costs (to 30–40 % of stoping costs) and substantial dilution (to 30 %). In this respect, the aim of this research is the mining technology improvement toward the higher labor productivity, better quality of minerals and the enhanced safety of mining. The proposed patented flow charts for development works and stoping include:
—the alternatives of mining systems by horizontal slicing with one-way advances down the dip using boreholes and mining systems by horizontal slicing with two-way advances down and up the dip, meant for thin ore bodies of variable occurrence, and for unstable and medium-stable ore and enclosing rock mass;
—the mining system with shrinkage, with long-hole ore breaking from sublevel drifts, meant for thin and steeply dipping ore bodies of comparatively consistent occurrence in difficult geological and geotechnical conditions.
The proposed technologies enable improving the quality of ore being produced, increasing the productivity of labor, cutting down the mining cost and enhancing the mining safety.

keywords Thin and steeply dipping structurally complex ore bodies, mining technologies, labor productivity, mineral quality, operating safety, one-way and two-way advances using boreholes, parallel close-spaced blastholes (boreholes)

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