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ArticleName Factors affecting airing in operational spaces in mines at Belaruskali
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.08.07
ArticleAuthor Grishin E. L., Borodavkin D. A., Petrovsky A. B., Dolgikh A. S.

Mining Institute, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, Russia:

E. L. Grishin, Head of Sector, Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,
D. A. Borodavkin, Junior Researcher


Belaruskali JSC, Soligorsk, Belarus:
A. B. Petrovsky, Deputy Chief Engineer of Mining
A. S. Dolgikh, Chief Engineer at Mine Management 3


The article describes the large-scale studies on harmful factors which govern design values of fresh air amount for operational space. The gas content and temperature analyses allowed adjustment of the design approaches to the required air flow rates, microclimate control and partial air recycling. It is shown that relative gas content value in some operational spaces at Starobin deposit varies within wide ranges, and is independent of mining depth, gas content, location of operational spaces relative to the deposit boundary, and other geological and geotechnical factors. The values of air flow rates calculated for operational spaces from relative gas contents are lower than the currently adopted values for the gas content calculation in potassium strata. It is proved that, if necessary, it is possible to increase air recycling volume in mine ventilation system by using the value of relative gas content in operational spaces in the calculations. The formulas of temperature of air fed in an operational space are adjusted with regard to geothermometry. It is demonstrated that rock mass temperature depends both on the depth of mining and on the other coordinates. The temperature maps are developed for all potassium strata being mined. The formula of the air quantity required for the face area ventilation is adjusted with respect to the air temperature criterion and with regard to assimilation of heat emission by electric equipment. The criterion value of air temperature in longwalls is increased from 27.5 °С to 32 °С. This air temperature in combination with humidity not higher than 60 % ensures elimination of heat hazard in working environment.
The study was supported by Belaruskali JSC and by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, R&D Project No. 122012000396-6.

keywords Mine ventilation, potassium mines, factors affecting ventilation, air flow rate, temperature, gas content, geothermometry

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Language of full-text russian
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