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ArticleName Justification of expedience of the third pumping pipeline construction at water-removal plant in Udachny Mine
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.08.12
ArticleAuthor Ovchinnikov N. P., Zyryanov I. V.

Mining Institute, Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk, Russia:

N. P. Ovchinnikov, Director, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,

Mirny Polytechnic Institute—Division of the Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Mirny, Russia:

I. V. Zyryanov, Head of Mining Department, Doctor of Engineering Sciences


Reliability of water removal from mines governs safety of mining. Pumping of mine water to ground surface should pay proper attention to maintenance of water-removing facilities. The main water-removal plant is set to be equipped with not less than two pumping pipelines. In view of the high metal prices, ore mines and coal mines are usually fitted with two pipelines, including one stand-by pipeline. The operational performance of pumps is known to worsen with time and to differ greatly from the initial efficiency. Degradation in the performance of a water-removal plant leads to a decrease in expenses connected with the maintenance of two pipelines in the overall water removal budget as the fleet of pumps and, accordingly, their operation cost grows. Laying of the third pipeline can reduce the number of pumps owing to the decreased hydraulic resistances in the pumping network. In the meanwhile, the payback of such design solution remains an open-end question. The technical-and-economic assessment of the third pipeline expediency is carried out in terms of the main water-removal plant of Udachny kimberlite mine. According to the research findings, a feasibility study of the number of pipelines for a mine water-removal plant should take into account the design production capacity of the mine and the inflow of water in the mine. It is found that the third pipeline laying at the main water-removal plant in Udachny Mine will be paid off less than in 1.5 year of operation. The expected benefits of the third pipeline laying in the mine will be 12,5 million rubles yearly.

keywords Mine, water-removal plant, pressure pipe, deterioration in operating conditions, cost, pump, technical-and-economic assessment

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