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ArticleName Compressed air parameters for spoil removal in casing pipe ramming in soil
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.08.13
ArticleAuthor Kondratenko A. S., Petreev A. M., Karpov V. N.

Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia:

A. S. Kondratenko, Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,
A. M. Petreev, Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
V. N. Karpov, Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences


Much drilling is performed in natural and manmade sedimentary soil of drillability category I–IV. The subsurface sedimentary soil represents a variety of rocks with widely ranged physical and mechanical properties. It is often difficult to ensure wellbore stability in such conditions. At the same time, open-ended pipe ramming under the impact momentum or vibration enables advanced installation of casings which ensure both wellbore stability and the highest hole-making efficiency. This article describes an analytical model of the required flow rate of compressed air for casing pipe ramming in various-purpose hole-making. In the technology of casing pipe ramming with spoil removal by air, compressed air is fed to the bottomhole end of the casing pipe along a separate line. When a spoil plug forms in the pipe, compressed air is fed inside the pipe to detach a portion of the plug and to displace it via an outlet. The removal cycles continue until the project wellbore length is achieved. In this technology, it is critical to choose a compressed air source that provides the required air pressure and flow rate. If these parameters are not limited, efficiency of spoil removal by air from a driven pipe raises no doubts. However, the actual limitedness of technical capabilities of compressed air sources demand determining application ranges and efficiency level for the technology. The authors present the testing bench and procedure to determine compressed air flow through rock samples. The recommendations are given to select a compressed air source subject to size of a casing pipe in the impact ramming.
The study was carried out under State Contract No. 121052600390-5, Topic Code FWNZ-2021-0002.

keywords Impact ramming, casing pipe, removal by air, spoil plug, flow rate, compressed air, geological exploration, sample, soil

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