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ArticleName Analysis of accidents risk in coal mines taking into account human factor
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.09.07
ArticleAuthor Kabanov E. I.

Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia:

E. I. Kabanov, Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,


The article is devoted to improving and testing the method of hazard analysis and accident risk assessment at coal mines. The author presents the indicators of fatal injuries during underground coal mining in Russia in the period of 2010–2021, and describes the dominant role of the human factor in the causes of accidents. The paper substantiates the relevance of a risk-based approach to ensure industrial safety in coal mining. In the process of the methodological framework analysis, the directions for the development of risk assessment methods are revealed. A conceptual emergency protection scheme of coal mines is proposed, which includes three protection levels. The list of the accident risk factors is formed on the basis of this scheme. An algorithm for calculating accident risk indicators is described, taking into account the human factor, and the choice of risk management strategies depending on the risk category is substantiated. The results of the method testing at Russian coal mines are presented and the distributions of coal mines by the risk categories are obtained. The risk dominant factors of accidents caused by gas and dust explosion, rock mass and mine support failures, as well as by outbursts and rockbursts are analyzed. Recommendations for accident risk management are proposed, which consist in the wider use of safe work practices, development of remote automated monitoring systems, reforming the systems of interaction with contractors, and personnel selection, motivation and training.

keywords Coal mine, industrial safety, occupational safety and health, industrial accident, emergency protection system, risk-oriented approach, risk assessment, risk management, human factor

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