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ArticleName Experience of development, introduction and improvement of automated assaying system for ore pulp products
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.10.08
ArticleAuthor Bondarenko A. V., Polishchuk A. M., Andreev I. V., Shapovalov E. V.

Analytical Center, RIVS Group, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

A. V. Bondarenko, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Director,
A. M. Polishchuk, Head of Experimental Development Sector
I. V. Andreev, Head of R&D Technical Support Sector
E. V. Shapovalov, Head of System Engineering Sector


The article proposes an automated pulp assaying system (APAS) which is a critical component of the integrated product quality control in the modern mining and processing industry. The reliable express-control of the pulp product composition, as well as solution of all problems connected with assaying requires both representative selection and representative preparation of samples of ore processing products being controlled. APAS is applicable in both on-line and balance assaying. The software and hardware of automated assaying system and sample preparation systems, their configurations and functions are described. It is emphasized that the general-purpose APAS (on-line, balance and final product assaying) can operate independently and within the proprietary automated analytical control system ASAK-RIVS based on the automated X-ray fluorescence pulp flow analyzer ARFA-RIVS. The developed equipment is compared with the foreign analogs within the framework of the state strategy of import substitution. The operating experience of the automated pulp assaying system allows stating that the system is reliable, needs no attendance and fully complies with the requirements of the mining and processing industry.

keywords Assaying, sampling, sample preparation, sample representativity, automated equipment systems, introduction, improvement, import substitution

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Language of full-text russian
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