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ArticleName Incorporating seismic source directivity in geological problem solving in mining
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.11.06
ArticleAuthor Yaroslavtsev A. G., Tarantin M. V., Zhikin A. A.

Mining Institute of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, Russia

A. G. Yaroslavtsev, Head of Seismoacoustic Process Modeling Sector, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,
M. V. Tarantin, Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
A. A. Zhikin, Engineer


The testing wavelet in mine seismic surveys propagates into enclosing rock mass surrounding an underground opening, which theoretically allows the reflected signal to be gained from any point of a three-dimensional space. For investigating a specific part in a rock mass, for example, an impermeable stratum, it is necessary to understand the nature of the wave field propagation in a nonuniform medium, which is possible using the seismic vibration radiation diagrams. This article presents the directional patterns plotted for point-type seismic sources in thin-layered geological sections of salt mines using the results of the full-wave seismic modeling. The patterns plotted at different positions of the radiating and receiving lines in the plane of a roadway of a common shape are given. Their differences from the cases of the uniform space and half-space are discussed. The horizontal stratification of the space surrounding a roadway is accepted as the main factor to govern the shape of a pattern. Based on the implemented analysis, it is recommended to study the impermeable strata in salt mines using P-waves. The characteristic of P-waves is independent of propagation direction of the waves and geological nonuniformity of rock mass as against S-waves which feature an essential nonuniformity of the diagrams in terms of the angular data. The article offers the technologically preferable positions of the radiating and receiving lines for the in-situ seismic surveys of rocks in the upper half-space in mine roadways.
The study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research of the Perm Krai. Project No. 20-45-596030.

keywords Underground seismics, full-wave modeling, directional characteristic, P-waves, S-waves, underground openings

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