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ArticleName Features of ventilation and air conditioning design in deep mines
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.11.09
ArticleAuthor Zaitsev A. V., Levin L. Yu., Parshakov O. S.

Mining Institute of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, Russia

A. V. Zaitsev, Head of laboratory, Doctor of Engineering Sciences,
L. Yu. Levin, Head of department, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
O. S. Parshakov, Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences


The experience of scientific supervision of deep mine design and operation indicates the need to take into account the unique features that affect the parameters of ventilation and air conditioning in underground roadways. Deep-level mining features high barometric pressure and high temperatures in enclosing rock mass surrounding underground openings. Both the atmospheric barometric pressure in roadways and the temperature of rocks significantly affect calculation of the required air amounts for underground work areas, modeling of air distribution in mine ventilation networks, as well as selecting mining equipment parameters and microclimatic conditions in roadways. Based on the comprehensive research of the physical processes in deep mines, it is concluded that it is possible to enhance ventilation efficiency and to normalize microclimate in mine work areas with regard to their characteristic features toward improved mining safety. For finding air conditioning parameters to provide mining safety, it is necessary to take into account air density in the roadways intended for installation of equipment, decrease in maximal humidity and increase in dew point in deeper level mining, etc. To this effect, the authors consider features of ventilation and air conditioning design in deep mines and, on this basis, offer recommendations toward safe and efficient deep-level mining.
The study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation. Project No. 19-77-30008.

keywords Deep mine, mine ventilation, thermal conditions, air pressure, air density, required air amount, fan parameters

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