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ArticleName Experimental studies of gas content of silvinite-carnallite strata at the Upper Kama potash salt deposit
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.11.15
ArticleAuthor Andreiko S. S., Chaikovskiy I. I., Nesterov E. A., Papulov A. S.

Mining Institute of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, Russia

S. S. Andreiko, Head of laboratory, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
I. I. Chaikovskiy, Head of laboratory, Professor, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences
E. A. Nesterov, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
A. S. Papulov, Engineer,


Within the mine fields of the Upper Kama potash salt deposit, there are areas where the structure of the productive strata AB, namely, the stratum B, is represented by variegated silvinites, carnallites and mixed salts (silvinite + carnallite). The article substantiates the need to study the gas content of mixed salts. The places where in-situ experimental research of gas content of salt rocks in terms free gases were carried out are presented. The experimental research included the instrumental observations of gas emissions from boreholes drilled in roadways with sampling of free gas to determine its component composition, and qualitative and quantitative characteristics were obtained. The results of the laboratory studies into the gas content of rocks represented by variegated silvinite and carnallite from the seam B, obtained from measurements of gas volume released during dry mechanical disintegration of rock samples with the constant pressure and temperature control in an air-sealed vessel, as well as from sampling and chromatographic analysis of the component composition of gases, are presented. Statistical processing of the in-situ research data on the gas content of the mixed-composition stratum B was performed. Based on the processing outcome, it can be stated with a probability of 0.95 that in terms of the free gas content, which is the main factor of the gas dynamic activity of rocks, there are no significant differences between the rocks of stratum B of mixed and silvinite composition.
The study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Project No. 20-45-596017r_NOC_Permskii krai.

keywords gas dynamic phenomena, potash stratum, silvinite, carnallite, component composition, mixed salts, gas content, gas pressure, free gas, bound gas

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