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ArticleName Composition and nature of bound and free gases at the Upper Kama salt deposit
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.11.19
ArticleAuthor Сhaikovskiy I. I., Ivanov O. V., Papulov A. S.

Mining Institute of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, Russia

I. I. Сhaikovskiy, Head of laboratory, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences
O. V. Ivanov, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,
A. S. Papulov, Engineer


The relevance of the research ensued from the need to develop a geochemical basis for the formation of the gas phase and gas chambers in potassium salts to ensure safe conditions for the development of the Upper Kama deposit. The article is based on more than 400 samples of bound and free gases selected by a single method and determined on a 450-GC gas chromatograph from Varian, Inc. For chemical typing, the ratio N2–H2–HCG–CO2 was used, and for genetic typing, the diagrams of A. Prinzhoffer and E. Pernaton (1997), B. Lewis et al. (2018) were employed. The analysis of the data made it possible to show that during formation of the salt stratum, due to the uneven distribution of organic substances between the salt and non-salt parts of the sediment, two gas systems developed: sedimentation gases of nitrogen composition trapped by salt minerals with an admixture of diagenetic methane and catagenetic hydrocarbon-nitrogen free gases formed due to thermal transformation of clay and sulfate sediments with an admixture of organic matter. It is supposed that the difference in the thermal maturity of free gases is due to more active folded catagenesis in the carnallite zone than in the sylvinite zone. It is shown that the catagenetic gas of non-salt layers is the most mobile in the process of migration and formation of gas accumulations that provoke gas-dynamic phenomena.

The study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Project No. 20-45-596017r_NOC_Permskii krai.

keywords Component composition of gases, chemical-genetic typing, gas-dynamic phenomena, Upper Kama salt deposit

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