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5th anniversary of the Dept. of Metallurgy and Chemical Technologies of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University
ArticleName Use of coal preparation waste as a reducing agent in the Romelt process
DOI 10.17580/chm.2023.12.03
ArticleAuthor N. Yu. Svechnikova, V. N. Petukhov, S. V. Yudina, D. V. Yudin

Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia

N. Yu. Svechnikova, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., Dept. of Metallurgy and Chemical Technologies, e-mail:
V. N. Petukhov, Dr. Eng., Prof., Dept. of Metallurgy and Chemical Technologies, e-mail:
S. V. Yudina, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Metallurgy and Chemical Technologies, e-mail:
D. V. Yudin, Student, Dept. of Metallurgy and Chemical Technologies, e-mail:


The paper considers the issue of expanding the raw material base of the metallurgical industry through the use of secondary resources – waste from the coal mining industry in the process of ROMELT. In the ROMELT process, cheap and non-coking coals are traditionally used as a reducing fuel for processing all iron-containing waste. The characteristics of the waste of coal enrichment of MMK-UGOL LLC are given: technical analyses, the content of mineral components (on an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer ARL QUANT'X), thermal analysis on a synchronous thermal analyzer STA 449. Technical analysis has shown that the waste has high humidity, which leads to their caking and clumping, has a low ash content and, consequently, a high content of organic matter, which leads to gorenje such waste in group dumps. The main mineralizing substances are quartz (SiO2), alumina (Al2O3) and hematite (Fe2O3). The calculation of the material and thermal balance, as well as economic indicators of the ROMELT process using coal enrichment waste of MMK-UGOL LLC is given. The use of carbon enrichment waste in the ROMELT process will reduce the area of dumps, reduce emissions into the environment by capturing dust and complete afterburning of waste gases, recycle their own waste, obtain cast iron from secondary raw materials, involve industrial waste in production aimed at increasing the level of resource conservation (depletion and non-renewable natural resources).

T. G. Voloschuk participated in this work.

keywords Carbon enrichment waste, recycling, waste recycling, energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer, non-standard semi-quantitative analysis, ROMELT process

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Language of full-text russian
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