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60th anniversary of the Dept. of Technology of Mechanical Engineering of Sevastopol State University
ArticleName Improvement of the thermofriction processing quality by introducing additional dynamic damping devices into the technological system
DOI 10.17580/chm.2023.12.14
ArticleAuthor S. M. Bratan, N. I. Pokintelitsa, A. O. Kharchenko, Ch. F. Yakubov

Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol, Russia

S. M. Bratan, Dr. Eng., Prof., Head of the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Technology, e-mail:
N. I. Pokintelitsa, Dr. Eng., Prof., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Technology, e-mail:
A. O. Kharchenko, Cand. Eng., Prof., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Technology, e-mail:


Crimean State Engineering Pedagogical University, Simferopol, Russia
Ch. F. Yakubov, Cand. Eng., Rector of the University, e-mail:


The features of the process of thermofriction processing of metals with disk tools are considered. Insufficient knowledge of it and a large number of factors influencing shaping pose the task of creating the necessary conditions for meeting modern requirements for the quality of products, in particular, the required parameters of waviness of the processed surface. To purposefully select the parameters of vibration movements of a part, mathematical modeling of table movements when exposed to random loads caused by cutting forces was carried out. In this case, a change in the vibrating table rigidity within a wide range changes the natural frequency of vibrations, and, accordingly, the waviness of the treated surface. A relation has been established between the spectral characteristics of vibrations of the elements of the machine tool technological system and the spectrum of the machined surface waviness. The use of special dampers for the tool significantly changes the resonant properties of the dynamic thermal friction processing system. By choosing the proposed optimal parameters of the dampers, resonant vibrations of the tool are eliminated, which has a positive effect on the treatment process and reduces surface waviness. In this case, the structure of the surface layer of a part made of steel 45 changes at a depth of up to 0.6–1.0 mm (up to 0.2 mm there is a finely dispersed structure of the troostite type, ferrite appears in deeper layers, and then there is a consistent transition to pearlite-ferrite core structure). As a result, the hardness of the surface layer is 1.3–1.5 times higher than the hardness of the core of the workpiece.

keywords Thermofriction treatment of steel, surface quality, waviness parameters, vibrating table, vibration speed, dynamic system, vibrating table rigidity, fine structure, surface layer hardness

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