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ArticleName Tunneling complex for the construction of especially hazardous waste storage facilities: justification of the design and parameters
DOI 10.17580/or.2023.06.08
ArticleAuthor Yungmeyster D. A., Urazbakhtin R. Yu., Nguyen Khak Linh, Timofeev M. I.

Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Yungmeyster D. A., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Senior Researcher,
Urazbakhtin R. Yu., Executive Director of the Center for Shared Use of High-Tech Equipment, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,
Timofeev M. I., Student,

Hanoi University of Mining and Geology (Hanoi, Vietnam).

Nguyen Khak Linh, Assistant, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,


The ongoing industrial and production advancements lead to the large-scale accumulation of especially hazardous waste that is unfit for recycling or disposal and requires special treatment and storage. Construction of new or restoration of previously destroyed storage facilities for such waste will safeguard the environment and help meet the applicable environmental standards, i. e. when storing radioactive waste generated in ore mining, enrichment of uranium and thorium, and processing of their concentrates. The purpose of this work is to specify the design and power parameters for roof support travel hydraulic jacks to ensure reliable and safe relocation of the machine used for the construction of the above storage facilities and its components. The systemic approach used in this work covers various aspects and methods of analysis. Analytical methods enable theoretical analysis and allow building models of the system based on the basic principles of theoretical mechanics. Computational methods are used for numerical modeling and solving the resulting mathematical models. A theoretical value of the motion resistance coefficient has been established for the machine at 0.4 to 6. This indicates high motion resistance caused by various factors, including the weight of machine parts, the rock strength, and the travel increment size. Machine operation specifics for various rock strengths are discussed and recommendations are given for the selection of power equipment. In order to confirm the data, a 3D model loading process was performed for a walking roof support section using the finite element method in the AutoDesk Inventor software. Based on the modeling results, the structures were additionally reinforced to ensure safe operation of the machine.

keywords Environmental studies, storage of especially hazardous waste, storage of radioactive waste, tunnel boring machine, rock strength, replaceable operating member, 3D modeling

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