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ArticleName Change in the stress–strain behavior of rock mass after heading-aimed blasting
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.12.02
ArticleAuthor Tyupin V. N.

Belgorod State University, Belgorod, Russia

V. N. Tyupin, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences,


The full-scale experimental research implemented in exploration openings in Mine 8 of Priargunsky Mining and Chemical Production Association (PMCPA) shows that the diameters of the blast-induced “barrels” in heading boreholes grow from the center to periphery of the face of an underground opening from 0.08 to 0.014 m on the average. The analytical formula is presented for the stress state evaluation (by the blast-induced “barrel” diameter) in granite rock mass during heading-aimed blasting in Mine 8, PMCPA. The calculations show that the stress state of adjacent rock mass increases from the center to periphery of the face of an underground opening. The calculations prove that sequential blasting of heading holes in the direction from the underground opening face center to its periphery increases the stress state in rock mass in the area of delineating and breaking holes owing to generation of blast-induced residual stresses, which ensures enlargement of “barrel” diameters. This method enables the real-time determination of stress state in adjacent rock mass during heading operations. The same research was carried out during heading operations in quartzite in a drainage mine at Mikhailovsky GOK. It is found that the diameter of the crushing zone (“barrel”) increases from 0.112 to 0.154 m from the center to periphery of underground openings, and the stress state in adjacent rock mass grows from 10.2 to 57.8 MPa.
The study was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, State Contract No. FZWG-2023-0011.

keywords Rock mass, stress state, heading-aimed blasting, “barrel” diameter, adjacent rock mass, stability, rockburst hazard

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