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ArticleName Oil and titanium potential of the Yarega field: 90 years into successful strike. Part 1: Heavy crude oil recovery
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.12.05
ArticleAuthor Taraskin E. N., Terentiev S. E., Podoinitsyn S. P., Andreev D. V.

PermNIPIneft, Perm, Russia

E. N. Taraskin, Engineer Category I,
S. E. Terentiev, Head of Department
S. P. Podoinitsyn, Head of Department
D. V. Andreev, Director of Management


The paper is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the discovery of the unique Yarega heavy oil-titanium field in the Komi Republic of Russia. The first part of the paper examines the achieved indicators of the development of Yarega field fluid reserves by the breakthrough domestic solutions for the thermal heavy oil recovery using underground mining facilities and SAGD wells. It has been shown that the highest reservoir heating and heavy oil recovery are obtained by the scheme of horizontal wells, in which the main zones of steam injection and heated oil extraction are located at least 400 m from each other. It is emphasized that for further increase in heavy oil recovery it is necessary to have a consistent government support in the form of a preferential tax regime that takes into account the current state of Yarega field.

keywords Heavy crude oil, titanium-bearing oil, in situ technology, horizontal wells, flotation, coagulant, gel, tax benefits

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Language of full-text russian
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