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ArticleName Basic governing factors of slope stability in open pit coal mines
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.12.07
ArticleAuthor Zelenin D. P., Voroshilin K. S.

Chernigovets JSC, Kemerovo, Russia

D. P. Zelenin, Director


National University of Science and Technology “MISIS”, Moscow, Russia

K. S. Voroshilin, Leading Specialist of Design and Expertise Center,


Large pit wall deformations are the toughest accidents in open pit mining. In this respect, pit wall stability is the most critical task during actual mineral production and for a long period after open pit mine closure. The article describes the main natural and manmade factors which affect stability and ensure stabilization of pit wall in surface coal mines. The authors also address the issues of the source data preparation for geomechanical calculations and risk assessment for validation of pit wall designs in surface coal mines. The influence of strength and morphology of weak layer interfaces on pit wall stability is studied. The integrated engineering designs of pit wall are described, and the case-studies of their implementation to prevent pit wall deformation in surface coal mines are presented.

keywords Surface coal mine, pit wall deformation, landslide, pit wall slope angle, jointing, schistocity, rock mass, weak interfaces, counterforce, geomechanical validation, strength properties, variability, engineering survey

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Language of full-text russian
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