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ArticleName Flotometric analysis of reverse flotation of raw iron ore concentrate with various cationic collector consumption rates
DOI 10.17580/or.2024.02.03
ArticleAuthor Shekhirev D. V., Chanturia E. L., Ismagilov R. I., Rakhimov Kh. K.

National University of Science and Technology MISIS (Moscow, Russia)

Shekhirev D. V., Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,
Chanturiya E. L., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor,
Rakhimov Kh. K., Postgraduate Student


Metalloinvest Management Company LLC (Moscow, Russia)

Ismagilov R. I., Director of Technical Development


This article sets out flotometric analysis results for reverse flotation studies conducted using raw magnetically separated magnetite concentrate from the A. V. Varichev Mikhailovsky GOK. The analysis was aimed to clarify the flotation behavior of the main components of the iron ore concentrate (including harmful impurities) at various consumption rates of a cationic collector of the amine class (monoamine ether). Two series of kinetic experiments were performed at pH 9.5 and 10.5. In each series, the cationic collector consumption rates alternated between 20, 40, 60, and 80 g/t of the original concentrate. Dextrin, supplied at 600 g/t, was used to depress magnetite during its reverse flotation. The kinetic experiment data were used to calculate component distribution by the specific flotation rate or intensity (the floatability spectra). The dependence of silica and potassium oxide recovery into the froth product, as well as the total iron losses with the froth product, on the collector consumption rates has been established for various fixed flotation times It has been concluded that a more complicated flotation process would not be required to improve the grade of the flotation tailings for the raw magnetite concentrate: a single operation may perform as an ideal separator due to the absence of silica and iron in the intermediate floatability fractions. High recoveries of silica impurities into the froth product will lead to inevitable and progressively higher losses (recovery) of iron into the froth product, compared to silica. It is advisable to explore more selective reagents and reagent usage regimes for the separation of iron and quartz oxides.

keywords Iron ore concentrate, silica, flotation, flotation kinetics, flotation intensity, specific flotation rate, flotation performance distribution, separation characteristics

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