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ArticleName Effect of variation of internal diameter along the length of a rotary kiln on material movement
DOI 10.17580/nfm.2024.01.05
ArticleAuthor Fedorova E. R., Morgunov V. V., Pupysheva E. A.

Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

E. R. Fedorova, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Department of Automation of Technological Processes
and Productions, e-mail:
V. V. Morgunov, Post-Graduate Student, Department of Automation of Technological Processes and Productions,
E. A. Pupysheva, Post-Graduate Student, Department of automation of Technological Processes and Productions,


Tubular rotary kilns are actively used in non-ferrous metallurgy, for example for sintering nepheline with limestone in alumina production. For the most effective heat exchange due to good mixing of the material in rotary kilns, a rolling regime characterized by the presence of an active layer and a stagnant area is maintained. Also the problem of formation of coating layers inside the kiln, which leads to a narrowing of the inner diameter of the aggregate, is known. In this paper, using the DEM-modeling method the influence of limes on the active layer parameters: the average speed of particles in the active layer and the share of the active layer in the aggregate at different rotational speeds and the degree of filling of the drum. With the increase of the coating layers thickness the average speed of particles in the active layer and the proportion of particles in the active layer in the entire profile of the kiln increases, changes in the shape of the profile of the speed of particles in the active layer and the proportion of particles in the active layer, depending on the thickness of coating layers are observed. The obtained conclusions are of qualitative nature and indicate a significant influence of the coating layers thickness on the active layer parameters and the need for further study of this process on the physical model with the real charge material.

keywords Alumina, nepheline, tube kilns, material motion, rotating cylinder, active layer, particle motion, coating layers, DEM, numerical simulation

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Full content Effect of variation of internal diameter along the length of a rotary kiln on material movement