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ArticleName Detection of optimal parameters of steel sheet billet forming process while bending on PBT 25 three-roller machine
DOI 10.17580/cisisr.2024.01.08
ArticleAuthor M. N. Skripalenko, G. P. Zhigulev, V. A. Fadeev, M. M. Skripalenko

National University of Science and Technology “MISIS” (Moscow, Russia)

M. N. Skripalenko, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., Dept. of Metal Forming, e-mail:
V. A. Fadeev, Associate Prof., Dept. of Metal Forming, e-mail:
M. M. Skripalenko, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., Dept. of Metal Forming, e-mail:

“DKN-T” JSC (Moscow, Russia)

G. P. Zhigulev, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., e-mail:


Technique for detection of optimal parameters during tube billet forming process was designed. These parameters are mentioned: bending roller displacement (Δh) and distance between centers of back-up rolls (L). The objective was to detect such values of these parameters which ensure minimum value of bending moment while tube billet forming with specified inner radius using PBT 25 machine. Using of the developed technique is shown by the example of detecting Δh (bending roller displacement) and L (distance between centers of bearing rollers) by the criterion of minimum bending moment while forming of steel sheet into tube billet with 191.42 mm inner diameter. Technological and design restrictions, which were applied during detection of desirable parameters, including maximum displacement at preset values of diameters of bending and back-up rolls, are presented. Taking into account these restrictions, L was varied within the range 195–250 mm and then Δh were calculated at the preset inner radius of the tube billet. Range of possible combinations of Δh and L, which provide obtaining of preset tube billet radius, was calculated considering maximal allowable bending roller displacement. Optimal values for the range of allowable values of Δh and L in concordance with the criterion of minimum bending moment were detected. Indirect estimation of the optimal values of Δh and L calculation results was done by checking the hydraulic pressure of PBT 25 bending machine. Regression equation was obtained on the basis of complete factorial experiment as a result of this indirect estimation. This regression equation links hydraulic pressure with Δh and L forming process parameters.

keywords Three-roller bending machine, optimal parameters of forming process, billet radius, bending roller, back-up rolls, bending roller displacement, distance between back-up rolls, bending moment

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Full content Detection of optimal parameters of steel sheet billet forming process while bending on PBT 25 three-roller machine