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ArticleName Remote sensing of vegetation restoration in mining areas in the south of Russia’s Far East
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2024.06.17
ArticleAuthor Ozaryan Yu. A.

Institute of Mining, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Khabarovsk, Russia

Yu. A. Ozaryan, Leading Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,


The study combines the results of field observations and remote sensing data, as well as the laboratory analysis to assess the processes of natural recovery of biota components and the environmental impact of mining in the south of the Far East of Russia. Thus, the purpose of this study is to analyze the natural restoration of vegetation in the mining areas in the southern Far East. Four different natural and technical systems were selected for the study. The features of the development of secondary plant communities in the test area are studied. Natural and technical systems formed during gold placer mining, as well as tailings storage facilities and adjacent areas, and overburden dumps generated during extraction of coal and building stone are considered. The results obtained by the author show that natural restoration of soil and vegetation cover takes place more intensively in the presence of a developed plant community in the close proximity to a man-made object; the surface of the tailings ponds is partially and unevenly covered with vegetation, unlike the dumps studied. The results show that reclamation of mining-disturbed should be carried out taking into account the potential of the components of the natural and technical environment for natural restoration.
The study was supported by the Government of the Khabarovsk Krai, Project No. 48С/2023.

keywords Biota components, natural restoration, manmade deposit, remote sensing of the earth, reclamation, disturbed lands, GIS

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