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Название Calibration and validation of a mathematical model for gas-dynamic separation
DOI 10.17580/or.2024.05.06
Автор Tyukin A. P.
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NUST MISIS (Moscow, Russia)
Tyukin A. P., Doctoral Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, tukinap@yandex.ru


This article focuses on the calibration and subsequent validation of a previously developed mathematical model for gas-dynamic separation of granular materials using a laminar gas flow. The calibration and validation were conducted within the specified operational ranges and particle properties relevant to the gas-dynamic separation process. In the initial stage, the model calibration was performed using particles that are hydrodynamically ideal-spherical, with uniform diameter and density. The calibration process was designed to account for the distribution of linear gas velocity along the height of the inner section of the acceleration channel with a slot cross-section. The study further addresses the modeling of particle trajectories for irregularly shaped particles with varying diameters, sphericity coefficients, and effective acceleration channel wall friction coefficients. By assigning random values to these particle characteristics using arando m number generator based on predefined average values, distribution parameters (shape of distribution and numerical characteristics), and mathematical transformations the trajectory of each particle was deterministically calculated. In the validation phase, the mathematical model was tested on real mineral particles, specifically quartz and ilmenite. A custom-designed gas-dynamic separator, placed in a vacuum-compression pressure chamber, was used to simulate various operational conditions such as linear velocity and pressure of the gas medium. High convergence was established for both average particle collection distances and scatter values. The study concludes that the mathematical model demonstrates reliable accuracy in predicting particle behavior and is validated for use in studying the patterns of gas-dynamic separation.

Ключевые слова Mineral processing, gas-dynamic separation, granular materials, mathematical model, calibration, model validation
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