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ArticleName Protective coatings forming on the surface of fuel rod by high-speed laser cladding
DOI 10.17580/tsm.2024.11.05
ArticleAuthor Ermilova E. S., Ovsyankin I. R., Petrovskij V. N., Dzhumaev P. S.

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, Russia

E. S. Ermilova, Engineer, e-mail:
I. R. Ovsyankin, Engineer, e-mail:
V. N. Petrovskij, Associate Professor, Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics, e-mail:
P. S. Dzhumaev, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, e-mail:


The article presents the research results of the peculiarities of coating with nickel 1350-00 and chromium PH-1 alloy powder by high-speed laser cladding on thin-walled tubes made of zirconium alloy E110. The cladding was performed by using continuous radiation from ytterbium fiber laser with a power of up to 10 kW on a robotic complex. The research was carried out with the configuration of an experimental module with the possibilities of implementing high-speed laser cladding technology: the studied samples were placed in a specially constructed high-speed rotator. The influence of the laser radiation power and the amount of powder supplied on the structure of the obtained coatings has been determined. Metallographic studies of the obtained samples were carried out. It is shown that during performing laser cladding at optimal conditions, nearly poreless coating is formed with minimal penetration of the base material, providing metallurgical fusion. According to X-ray spectral microanalysis, the chemical composition of the clad coating practically does not differ from the chemical composition of the used powder. The thickness of the clad layer, depending on the cladding modes, is adjusted within 100–300 microns in one pass. The fusion line is identical in structure, which shows a high uniformity of heat input during cladding. The size of the heat affected zone in the substrate material varies between 50–200 microns depending on the cladding modes. The obtained results have the prospect of application in the nuclear industry, since the choice of optimal modes and the development of methodological recommendations for applying adhesive durable and corrosion resistant coatings to zirconium core elements of various types of reactors are important in order to increase the reliability of operation and the operational life of reactors.
The research was carried out with the support of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI The Priority 2030 program.
A. A. Gavrikov (postgraduate student) and V. I. Polsky (Associate Professor, Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics) took part in the research.

keywords Protective coatings, high-speed laser cladding, powder of nickel, powder of chromium, zirconium alloy E110, metallographic analysis, microstructure, elemental composition

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Language of full-text russian
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