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ArticleName Foundry Department of Samara State Technical University: formation, development, progress
DOI 10.17580/tsm.2024.11.08
ArticleAuthor Nikitin K. V.

Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia

K. V. Nikitin, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgy and Transport1, Head of The Foundry and Highly Efficient Technologies Department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, e-mail:


The article presents the main historical milestones of the organization and development of the Foundry department at Samara State Technical University. The leading role of Nikitin Vladimir Ivanovich, who from the first days of the department foundation developed its scientific and technical potential, is shown. Under the leadership of V. I. Nikitin, the department became the leading one not only in the Volga region, but also in the central part of Russia. Cooperation with PJSC UEC-Kuznetsov on personnel training and fulfillment of production requests of enterprises has significantly increased the prestige of foundry, metallurgical and welding specialties among applicants from Samara, the region and nearby regions. Due to the support of the rector's office and industrial partners, the material and technical base of the department is continuously developing, new jobs and production facilities are being created in the Foundry Technology Center. Currently, research and work on the integration of additive technologies and foundry production are being intensively carried out. Since November 2023, a new program has been launched, created in cooperation with CJSC Nefteflot to train highly qualified personnel for the shipbuilding industry. In order to improve the quality of training, industrial partners (PJSC UEC-Kuznetsov and CJSC Nefteflot) are modernizing the classroom fund of the department and faculty. The production facilities of the Foundry Technology Center are currently producing high-tech products for enterprises of the aerospace and machine building industries. Intensive work is being carried out on the integration of additive technologies and foundry production: sets of largesized burnable models with elements of gate-feeding systems are being manufactured, full-cycle work is being carried out, including the design of castings, printing of burnable models and the manufacture of castings from aluminum alloys. With the use of robotic manipulators, the technology of volumetric electric arc surfacing for the manufacture of aluminum blanks for machine building purposes is being developed. Researches on developing engineering technology in cast alloys with structural heredity continue in order to increase the efficiency of cast products production based on aluminum.

keywords Casting, additive technologies, training of specialists, cooperation with enterprises, high-tech products

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9. Nikitin K. V., Nikitin V. I., Dyachkov V. N., Barinov A. Yu. Investigation of linear shrinkage of model compounds and interaction mechanisms in the “lost wax pattern – refractory ceramic mold” system. Izvestiya vuzov. Tsvetnaya metallurgiya. 2019. No. 6. pp. 42–50.
10. Nikitin K. V., Dyachkov V. N., Nikitin V. I., Barinov A. Yu. et al. Influence of temperature conditions on the shrinkage of wax patterns for investment casting. CAMSTech-2020 IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. IOP Publishing. 2020. Vol. 919, Iss. 2. 022041. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/919/2/022041
11. Nikitin K. V., Tukabayov B. N., D’yachkov V. N., Nikitin V. I. et al. Improving the casting process in ceramic forms using additive technologies in manufacturing model kits. Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals. 2021. Vol. 62, No. 6. pp. 675–681.
12. Nikitin K. V., Dunaev D. A., ZHatkin S. S., Nikitin V. I. Effect of the structure and properties of welded zones made of Sv-AK5 welding wire at robotic surfacing. Izvestiya vuzov. Tsvetnaya metallurgiya. 2022. No. 4. pp. 67–74.
13. Dunaev D. A., Zhatkin S. S., Nikitin K. V., Minakov Е. А. Structure and properties of SV-AK5 alloy during pulse-arc surfacing. Tsvetnye Metally. 2023. No. 11. pp. 76–82.
14. Dunaev D. A., Zhatkin S. S., Ermakov A. K. Structure and properties of the SV-AK5 alloy when surfacing with WAAM technologies. Advanced materials and technologies in aircraft engine building: Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference. Samara, 4–6 October 2023. Samara : SamGTU, 2023. pp. 392–397.
15. Nikitin V. I., Nikitin K. V., Timoshkin I. Yu., Biktimirov R. M. Synthesis of aluminum alloys from dispersed waste based on aluminum. Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals. 2020. Vol. 61, No. 6. pp. 632–640.
16. Nikitin K. V., Nikitin V. I., Timoshkin I. Yu., Biktimirov R. M. et al. Hereditary influence of deformed waste on the efficiency of modification of alloy systems Al–Si–Mg and Al–Mg. Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals. 2022. Vol. 63, No. 4. pp. 400–408.
17. Nikitin K. V., Timoshkin I. Yu., Akishin S. A., Novikov A. P. Improving the quality of castings made of Amg6lch alloy based on an integrated approach. Litejnoe proizvodstvo. 2023. No. 9. pp. 13–16.
18. Biktimirov R. M., Timoshkin I. Yu., Nikitin K. V. A combined effect of the structure of luminium – silicon and aluminium – titanium master alloys on the structure and properties of Al – Si – Mg alloy. Tsvetnye Metally. 2023. No. 9. pp. 62–67.

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