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ArticleName Assessment of phase and structure heterogeneity in drained tailings ponds and their development prospects using self-contained and remotely-operated equipment
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2024.11.12
ArticleAuthor Radchenko D. N., Zalevskaya K. N., Kirkov A. E., Gavrilenko V. V.

Academician Melnikov Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources—IPKON, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

D. N. Radchenko, Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor
K. N. Zalevskaya, Junior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,
A. E. Kirkov, Researcher
V. V. Gavrilenko, Researcher


The article addresses a relevant problem connected with fuller extraction of georesources and with increase of mineral resources in gold production through treatment of mineral by-products represented by processing tailings of gold–quartz–arsenopyrite ore. It is assumed that in view of advancement of self-contained and remotely-operated equipment in open pit mining, mining and processing waste become very attractive objects for their development using self-contained load-haul-dump machines. A concept is proposed for finding new approaches to selection of a tailings treatment technology with prompt detection and recognition of nonuniform areas in the waste objects, with specific structure and nonuniform distribution of commercial-value and barren zones within the body of a tailings pond. Parameters of geotechnical structures are determined for an arsenic-andgold-bearing tailings pond, and technologies and procedures are proposed for mineral production from mining waste. The stress–strain assessment is carried out in components of geotechnical structures during treatment of mining waste nearby hidden watersaturated zones. The geomechanical modeling determines the width of a safety berm with regard to initial loss of slope stability in the manmade waste body during its treatment. The deformation charts of the manmade waste body slope depending on location and thickness of the weak water-saturated zone are presented. The safety berm width is correlated with the water-saturated zone thickness and its outcrop point in the structure of waste body. The article offers a classification of process flow charts for open mining of manmade waste objects with the zones of heterogenous composition and structure, that ensures safe and environmentally balanced development of waste owing to the waste mass zoning with prompt location of water-saturated zones, as well as zones with higher and lower contents of useful and / or harmful elements.

keywords Manmade mineral resources, processing tailings, gold–quartz–arsenopyrite ore, open pit mining, structural parameters, borehole stability, digital data, self-contained equipment

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