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ArticleName A new approach to monitoring deformation of engineering structures in seismically active regions
DOI 10.17580/em.2024.02.09
ArticleAuthor Nurpeisova M. B., Meirambek G., Fedotenko N. A., Anetov B. T.

Satbayev University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Nurpeisova M. B., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences,
Meirambek G., Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Anetov B. T., Doctoral Candidate


Academician Melnikov Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources—IPKON, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Fedotenko N. A., Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences


The article reports the Satbayev University’s studies on deformation monitoring of engineering structures, in particular, the Abay Avenue/Saina Street interchange in the city of Almaty in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty is situated in the region of increased seismic activity, including the main artery of the city—its subway that runs along the Abay Avenue. It is shown that the problem connected with safe operation of unique engineering structures can be solved using the integrated monitoring, encompassing all natural and manmade factors and their analysis, with the authorial procedure and equipment of geodetic surveying. The research utilized an integrated approach, including: geological and geotechnical analyses of rock mass structure and tectonics, instrumental geodetic surveying with the use of GPS technologies, electronic tacheometry and ground-based scanning, as well as assessment of measurement accuracy. The basic network deployment procedure is developed for the deformation monitoring of bridges, and geodetic monitoring of the test traffic interchange and above-ground buildings is performed. The use of electronic tacheometers and laser scanning with the satellite geodesy techniques in the geodetic monitoring is justified. For the installation of high-precision electronic and laser devices for the ground surface geomonitoring, the authors have designed a permanent station which provides fast and accurate centering without tripods. Based on the accomplished studies, the authors propose the subsidence and displacement determination methods for engineering structures. The research findings are included in a scientific project and in education and training courses. The obtained results are usable in enhancement of industrial safety at other objects for the minimization of seismic risks in the region.

keywords Bridge, deformations, monitoring, base geodetic network, satellite-based positioning, electronic tacheometer, geodetic surveys, structural assessment

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Full content A new approach to monitoring deformation of engineering structures in seismically active regions