ArticleName |
Contribution of the Leningrad Mining Institute to the industry and defense capability of the country during the years of
Soviet industrialization |
ArticleAuthorData |
Empress Catherine II St. Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia A. B. Mokeev, Cand. Hist., Associate Prof., e-mail: |
Abstract |
In the late 1920ies and 1930ies, socio-economic modernization was carried out in the Soviet Union. A powerful industry emerged in the country. At the same time, a large-scale reform of the higher education system was carried out. Industrialization required large numbers of engineers, technicians and industrial workers. The network of higher educational institutions has expanded. The number of places in technical universities was increased, and new specialties were developed. This led to the strengthening of technical education. Curricula began to focus on practice and application of knowledge in industry. This included extensive use of laboratory work and practical exercises. There was a strengthening of academic discipline and ideological control. This article, based on archival materials and periodical press data, examines the achievements of the Leningrad Mining Institute during the years of Soviet industrialization. The following aspects were considered: organization of the educational process; research work and the creation of scientific schools at the institute; the contribution of graduate scientists of the Mining Institute to the formation and development of the domestic mineral resource complex, to strengthening the country’s defense capability. |
References |
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