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ArticleName Study of the influence of physical properties of solid particles on gas-dynamic separation parameters
DOI 10.17580/or.2024.06.04
ArticleAuthor Tyukin A. P.

Monchegorsk, Murmansk region, Russia

Tyukin A. P., Candidate of Engineering Sciences,


This study examines the relationship between the physical properties of solid particles — such as density, diameter, and sphericity — and their motion parameters, which influence the efficiency of gas-dynamic separation of granular mixtures in a laminar gas flow. The key metrics evaluated include the average particle capture distance, the dispersion of capture distances, and the asymmetry of the capture distance distribution. The findings reveal that an increase in particle density and diameter results in greater weighted average capture distances, peak dispersion of capture distances, and a shift in the distribution asymmetry towards the negative range. Conversely, while an increase in the sphericity coefficient has little effect on the weighted average capture distance, it leads to varied effects on the standard deviation of capture distances: an increase for smaller particles (50–100 μm) and a decrease for larger particles (100–200 μm). Additionally, higher sphericity shifts the asymmetry of the capture distance distributions further into the negative range. The study concludes that massive particles (with larger diameters and/or densities) typically exhibit negative distribution asymmetry, enabling efficient gas-dynamic separation. This efficiency arises from the deceleration of particles against a static gas layer as they exit a flat turbulent jet. Furthermore, the particle sphericity coefficient acts as an additional measure of inertia, similarly influencing the separation process alongside diameter and density.

keywords Separation, gas-dynamic separation, solid particles, granular materials, density, sphericity, friction

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