Журналы →  Obogashchenie Rud →  2024 →  №6 →  Назад

Название Development of a dust suppressant formulation for use in sub-zero temperatures
DOI 10.17580/or.2024.06.07
Автор Zyryanova O. V., Ivanova E. V., Gerasimov A. M.
Информация об авторе

Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Zyryanova O. V., Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Zyryanova_OV@pers.spmi.ru
Ivanova E. V., Master's Student, s222471@stud.spmi.ru
Gerasimov A. M., Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, gerasimov_am@pers.spmi.ru


The increasing intensity of mineral extraction and processing leads to continuous advancements in the relevant technologies, alongside a rise in waste generation, which adversely affects the environment. In northern latitudes, landscapes affected by significant anthropogenic activity undergo profound changes, with ecosystems in these regions being particularly vulnerable due to their limited capacity for self-purification and recovery. This study focuses on the development of dust suppression formulations with a low freezing point that cause minimal environmental harm and retain their high dust-binding performance at sub-zero temperatures. Water-based dust-binding formulations, incorporating environmentally friendly additives, were designed and tested to control airborne dust in areas such as quarry roads and waste dumps. The physical, chemical, and operational characteristics of the dust suppressant formulations were thoroughly examined, including their freezing point, viscosity, density, and dust-binding capabilities. The study has established the relationship between modifying components and the low-temperature properties of water-based dust-suppressing emulsions. By incorporating a polyhydric alcohol as an antifreeze additive (0–20 %), a colloidstable emulsion was produced with a density of up to 1032 kg/m3, a viscosity of up to 14.5 x 10–6 m2/s, and a shelf life of up to 80 days. The polymer film formed on the dust-generating inorganic surface acts as a compact dust layer that dries within 24 hours. The formulation has a solidification temperature as low as –12 °C, making it suitable for winter dust suppression applications. Moreover, the primary ingredient of the formulation is water, making it both environmentally sustainable and cost-effective. The theoretical principles and experimental findings presented in this study are recommended for practical implementation in the mining industry.

Ключевые слова Mining, dust-generating surface, dust, dust suppression, biofuel production waste, polyvinyl alcohol, environmental safety
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