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ArticleName Study of the thickening and filtration of sulphide flotation tailings
DOI 10.17580/or.2024.06.08
ArticleAuthor Rylov K. A., Tyutrin A. A., Nemchinova N. V., Burdonov A. E.

Irkutsk National Research Technical University (Irkutsk, Russia)

Rylov K. A., Post-Graduate Student

Tyutrin A. A., Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor
Nemchinova N. V., Head of Chair, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor
Burdonov A. E., Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor,


This study investigates the thickening and filtration processes of sulphide flotation tailings using a laboratory-scale high-performance thickener with a diameter of 99 mm and a pilot-scale thickener with a diameter of 190 mm. Filtration of these tailings was tested using a laboratory filter press. Flocculants from the Nalco, Granfloc, and Magnafloc brands were evaluated. The sulphide flotation tailings utilized in the research had a density ranging from 1221 to 1234 kg/m3, with a solid phase density of 2710 to 2750 kg/m3. The tailings contained 28 to 29 % solids by weight. The sedimentation process and discharge purity were analyzed, revealing that the optimal flocculant dosage for achieving the required discharge purity was approximately 100 g/t using Granfloc 1435-1. Dynamic tests have shown that the maximum solid content achievable for the tailings slurry in the pilot-scale thickener (PT modification) was 66.3–66.4 % by weight. Rheological analysis was conducted using a HAAKE THERMO VT550 electronic rotational viscometer with a four-blade OK 600 rotor. The measured shear stress values ranged from 81 to 84 Pa, indicating that the tailings did not exhibit paste-like behavior. The specific performance under the optimal conditions was found to be 0.3 t/(m2·h), with a solids content of 13.8 % in the feed. Filtration tests were performed using a membrane filter press with a filtration area of 0.27 m2. The results have demonstrated that the tailings could be filtered at a specific filtration rate of 32.6 kg/(m2·h), achieving a residual cake moisture content of 16.3 %. Based on these findings, technical recommendations are proposed for the thickening and filtration of sulphide flotation tailings.

keywords Thickening, sulphide flotation tailings, flocculants, dynamic studies, rheological characteristics, filtration

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Language of full-text russian
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