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Разработка геофильтрационных моделей угольных
шахт в условиях островной мерзлоты |
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Кемеровский филиал АО «ВНИМИ» – Межотраслевой научный центр ВНИМИ, Кемерово, Россия
Харлампенков И. Е., старший научный сотрудник, канд. техн. наук, ivan87kharlampenkov@gmail.com Трошков Н. Ю., зам. директора Гиниятуллина О. Л., старший научный сотрудник, канд. техн. наук Старцев С. В., научный сотрудник |
Библиографический список |
1. Dushin A. V., Ignatуeva M. N., Yurak V. V., Ivanov A. N. Economic evaluation of environmental impact of mining: Ecosystem approach. Eurasian Mining. 2020. No. 1. pp. 30–36. 2. Chemezov E. N. Industrial safety principles in coal mining. Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 240. pp. 649–653. 3. Strakhov P. N., Markelova A. A., Strakhova E. P. Estimation of residual water saturation in 3D geological modeling. Eurasian Mining. 2024. No. 1. pp. 25–27. 4. Hughes J. D., Langevin C. D., Banta E. R. Documentation for the MODFLOW 6 Framework. Chapter 57 of Section A, Groundwater. Book 6, Modeling Techniques. Techniques and Methods 6–A57. Reston : U.S. Geological Survey, 2017. 42 p. 5. Diersch H.-J. G. FEFLOW: Finite Element Modeling of Flow, Mass and Heat Transport in Porous and Fractured Media. Heidelberg : Springer, 2016. 996 p. 6. Provost A. M., Voss C. I. SUTRA, a Model for Saturated/Unsaturated, Variable-Density Groundwater Flow with Solute or Energy Transport—Documentation of Generalized Boundary Conditions, a Modified Implementation of Specified Pressures and Concentrations or Temperatures, and the Lake Capability. Chapter 52 of Section A, Groundwater Book 6, Modeling Techniques. Techniques and Methods 6–A5. Reston : U.S. Geological Survey, 2019. 62 p. 7. Langevin C. D. SEAWAT: A Computer Program for Simulation of Variable-Density Groundwater Flow and Multi-Species Solute and Heat Transport. Fort Lauderdale : U.S. Geological Survey, 2009. 2 p. 8. Bondareva L., Zakharov Yu. Spent coal mines using for the industrial wastewater disposal. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2020. Vol. 1441. ID 012132. 9. Stocker-Waldhuber M., Fischer A., Keller L., Morche D., Kuhn M. Funnel-shaped surface depressions—Indicator or accelerant of rapid glacier disintegration? A case study in the Tyrolean Alps. Geomorphology. 2017. Vol. 287. pp. 58–72. 10. Guidelines for Hydrogeological Analysis and Prediction in Coal Fields during Geological Exploration. Rostov-na-Donu, 1985. 137 p. 11. Khokhlov B. V., Rozhko M. D., Kamburova L. A., Krizhanovskaya L. N. On the issue of displacement and deformation of a watered mountain massif in modern mining conditions. RANIMI Transactions : Collection of Scientific Papers. Donetsk, 2023. No. 22(37). pp. 65–71. 12. Khodyrev E. D., Trofimov V. V. Modeling of active methods of influencing changes in mine flooding conditions. RANIMI Transactions : Collection of Scientific Papers. Donetsk, 2024. No. 2(40). pp. 31–42 13. Khodyrev E. D., Trofimov V. V. Simulation of changes in the conditions of dewatering of a group of hydraulically connected mines. RANIMI Transactions : Collection of Scientific Papers. Donetsk, 2023. No. 23(38). pp. 76–87. 14. Available at: https://docs.cntd.ru/document/573140209?marker=6520IM (accessed: 19.09.2024). 15. MODFLOW 6 Release Notes. Version mf6.5.0. Reston : U.S. Geological Survey, 2024. 52 p. |