Журналы →  Obogashchenie Rud →  2010 →  №2 →  Назад

Название Column coal flotation
Автор Fecko P., Pertile E., Bedekovic G., Janakova I., Mucha N.

Floatability of hard coal from the Lazy Mine with application of collectors Flotalex, Montanol and PE2 has been studied. The aim of the studies consisted in proving the above coal floatability and selectivity of the mentioned collectors. The studies were conducted on –0.5 mm size fraction in column flotation machine. The flotation results showed, that Flotalex and Montanol provide for approximately the same recovery, with Flotalex possessing better selectivity. When PE2 was used as collector, unsatisfactory results were obtained.

Ключевые слова Column flotation, collectors, coal
Language of full-text русский
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