Journals →  Tsvetnye Metally →  2010 →  #9 →  Back

Aluminium, alumina, carbon materials
ArticleName Influence of iron compounds on baking technology of nepheline ores and concentrates
ArticleAuthor Vinogradov S. A., Sizyakov V. M.
Behaviour of nephelinic charge was investigated during of baking of ores materials, containing different amount of iron oxides — up to 7 % of Fe2O3. In order to research of this problem, synthetic charge was composed for excluding influence of other minor factors. It has been determined that the optimum temperature of baking of nepheline ores depends on relation between iron oxides and aluminium oxides in nepheline component of charge (ferrite module) and is situated in the range 1250—1350 oC with coresponding variation of ferrite module from 0,2–0,25 to 0,02. Silicic module of ore materials in the range of 0,5–0,7 practically doesn't have influence on temperature regulations of baking process with different content of iron oxides and determines only Al2O3 content in product cake.
keywords Nepheline, charge, baking, iron oxides, silicon module, alumina extraction
Language of full-text russian
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