Journals →  Tsvetnye Metally →  2010 →  #12 →  Back

Heavy non-ferrous metals
ArticleName Express-methods for determination of properties of refractory materials during their operation
ArticleAuthor Konyaeva O. A., Pleshchev V. P., Slovikovskiy V. V.
The objects for research are linings of rotatory waelz furnaces, horizontal converters, reverberatory furnaces and other metallurgical installations. Optimal compositions of refractory glues, refractory mass, concretes, using efficient methods of evaluation of solution properties, protecting coatings have been developed. Usage of protecting coatings and solutions allows to extend operating time of thermal aggregates by 25–50%.
keywords Thermal stresses, melting reagents, lining, laying elements, chromium magnesite powder, mortal powder, orthophosphoric acid, refractory glue
Language of full-text russian
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