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ArticleName Efficiency of automation of control and management of technical maintenance and repair of equipment at metallurgical works
ArticleAuthor S. A. Fedoseev, A. N. Kirov.
ArticleAuthorData Ph.D. of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Docent S. A. Fedoseev, Chair of Mathematical Modeling of Systems and Processes, State National Research Polytechnical University of Perm; A. N. Kirov, Project Manager, CJSC "Gelikon Konsalting", Perm';

Informatization should be considered as the most priority kind of innovation for metallurgical works as complicated production system. The paper examies the problem of efficiency of informatization of production system based on the example of automation of control and management of technical maintenance and repair of equipment at a metallurgical works.

keywords Production system, innovations, informatization, technical maintenance and repair of equipment, automation, control and management.
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Language of full-text russian
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