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ArticleName Research of rutile concentrate fluorination process
ArticleAuthor Karelin V. A., Mikutskaya E. N.

Seversk Technological Institute of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”

V. A. Karelin, Professor, e-mail:

E. N. Mikutskaya, Senior Lecturer


The short review of industrial technologies of processing titanium concentrates is spent. Lacks of existing industrial production technologies of the titan are shown. Necessity of working out essentially new fluoride technologies of processing titanium concentrates is proved. The reactions proceeding at fluorination of a rutile concentrate by element fluorine are described, and thermodynamic research of fluorination process with use of the computer program “ASTRA” is executed. It is shown that from the thermodynamic point of view fluorination process has no restrictions. Dependence of change of mass concentration titanium fluoride in products of reaction from process temperature fluorination is investigated and the choice of optimum surplus of element fluorine is proved. The equilibrium structure of products of fluorination process a rutile concentrate is defined at the chosen surplus of fluorine. The basic stages of fluorination process are described and its kinetic features are studied. Factors influencing speed of fluorination process are defined. Temperature influence at kinetics fluorination process is investigated and optimum conditions are chosen. Mathematical processing of results of the executed kinetic researches on the equations is spent: Gistling, «reduced» sphere and Jander. It is shown that for the description fluorination kinetics it is necessary to use the Jander equation. It is established that process is limited by diffusive factors — a supply of a fluorinating reagent to a surface of a firm material. The size of energy of activation of fluorination process is defined. Conditions of carrying out of process in the industrial equipment are discussed.

keywords Rutile concentrate, fluorination process, fluorine, titanium dioxide and tetrafluoride, fluorides of alloys, thermodynamics and kinetics of process, ratelimiting step

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