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ArticleName Structural–morphological control of nanoparticles and its problems
ArticleAuthor K. S. Maksimov, S. K. Maksimov

National Research University MIET

K. S. Maksimov, S. K. Maksimov


Application of nanotechnology products requires identification of their structure and habit. In this work we report the distinctive features of diffraction patterns that can cause difficulties in the identification of the atomic structure of particles with defect structures containing twins and antiphase boundaries. We describe SEM techniques of particle morphology determination based on the use of illuminating electron beams with different convergent angles and demonstrate obstacles inherent to these techniques.

keywords Nanotechnologies, nanoparticles, nanostructuring, identification of structure and habit, twins, antiphase domain boundaries, diffraction patterns, convergent electron beams

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Language of full-text russian
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