Tsvetnye Metally

This issue includes the article by A. E. Cherepovitsyn, S. V. Fedoseev, A. B. Teslya and E. Yu. Vyboldina (the section «Economics and Management of Production»), where modern tendencies of production and consumption of raw material resources in the EU and BRICS countries are considered on example of rare-earth metals' market, together with volumes and structure of global reserves of rare-earth metals.
The largest part of this issue is devoted to the 80-th anniversary of JSC «Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant» – leading Russian manufacturer of high-quality zinc and zinc-based alloys, the only Russian manufacturer of Special High Grade zinc, and leader of Russian zinc industry. The Plant constructed the multi-level system of ecological monitoring and realized the range of large-scale measures on redesign of all technological production stages. The articles of the members of Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant consider both implemented technologies, and the technologies, which are on the stage of pilot and laboratory testings.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | International review of market of non-ferrous metals |
Автор | Korneev S. I. |
Информация об авторе | Korneev S. I., Senior Analyst of "Managing Company "Metalloinvest" LLC, e-mail: nirsks@yandex.ru |
Название | Analysis of production and consumption of rare-earth metals in the EU and the BRICS |
Авторы | Cherepovitsyn A. E., Fedoseev S. V., Teslya A. B., Vyboldina E. Yu. |
Информация об авторах | National Mineral Resources University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: A. E. Cherepovitsyn, Head of a Chair of Organization and Management, Economics Faculty, e-mail: alekseicherepov@inbox.ru
Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: |
Название | Obtaining of cobalt oxide by arsenic-autoclave method for solid alloy production |
Авторы | +Palant A. A., Palant S. V., Bryukvin V. A., Bolshikh A. O. |
Информация об авторах | A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Moscow, Russia: +A. A. Palant V. A. Bryukvin, Head of Laboratory of Pyrometallurgy, e-mail: brukvin@imet.ac.ru |
Technologies, implemented in production | |
Название | Basic ways of improvement of zinc production at JSC “Chelyabinsk zinc plant” |
Авторы | Panshin A. M., Shakirzyanov R. M., Izbrekht P. A., Zatonskiy A. V. |
Информация об авторах | LLC “UMMC-Holding”, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Russia: A. M. Panshin, Technical Director
LLC “Uraltsink”, Ekaterinburg, Russia:
Название | Skull formation in fluid-bed furnaces during fine sulphide zinc concentrates' calcination |
Авторы | Terentev V. M., Kondratyuk A. A., Knaub E. Yu., Nesmelov V. Yu. |
Информация об авторах | JSC “Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant”, Chelyabinsk, Russia: V. M. Terentev, Leading Engineer-Technologist of Engineering Center |
Название | Skull-formation in rotary kilns during processing of various types of oxidized raw materials |
Автор | Kozlov P. A. |
Информация об авторе | JSC “Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant”, Chelyabinsk, Russia: P. A. Kozlov, Head of Engineering Center, pak@zinc.ru |
Название | Mastering of technology of waelz-oxide calcination in pipe rotary furnace |
Авторы | Degtyarev A. M., Ivakin D. A., Shumilin Yu. P., Mayorov S. P. |
Информация об авторах | JSC “Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant”, Chelyabinsk, Russia: Degtyarev A. M., Head of Waelz-shop |
Название | Mastering of leaching technology of calcined waelz-oxide |
Авторы | Reshetnikov Yu. V., Belyakov O. V., Kozlov K. M., Varganov M. S. |
Информация об авторах | JSC “Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant”, Chelyabinsk, Russia: Yu. V. Reshetnikov, Deputy Technical Director — Production Control Manager, e-mail: uvr@zinc.ru |
Название | Improvement of processes of indium extraction from zinc production sulphate solutions using mixing-setting extraction equipment |
Авторы | Zatonskiy A. V., Belyakov O. V., Kozlov P. A., Nedospasov A. V. |
Информация об авторах | JSC “Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant”, Chelyabinsk, Russia: A. V. Zatonskiy, Technical Director |
New technics, industrial testings | |
Название | Research and development of pyrometallurgical technology of processing of copper industry wastes with extraction of zinc, lead, and tin |
Авторы | Kozlov P. A., Panshin A. M., Vyatkin V. N., Reshetnikov Yu. V. |
Информация об авторах | JSC “Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant”, Chelyabinsk, Russia: P. A. Kozlov, Head of Engineering Center, e-mail: pak@zinc.ru
LLC “UMMC-Holding”, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Russia: |
Название | Research and development of hydrometallurgical processing stage in copper industry wastes' recycling technology with tin recovery into tin concentrate |
Авторы | Panshin A. M., Reshetnikov Yu. V., Ivakin D. A., Geraskin V. V. |
Информация об авторах | LLC “UMMC-Holding”, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Russia: A. M. Panshin, Technical Diretor
JSC “Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant”, Chelyabinsk, Russia: Yu. V. Reshetnikov, Deputy Technical Director — Head of Production Department |
Название | Development and testings of industrial technology of lead cake carbonization |
Авторы | Zatonskiy A. V., Bovykin K. V., Asadulin R. R., Golubeva E. V. |
Информация об авторах | JSC “Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant”, Chelyabinsk, Russia: A. V. Zatonskiy, Technical Director |
Название | Using zinc cake flotation in columnar type equipment for increasing of Waelz-process efficiency |
Авторы | Panshin A. M., Viduetskiy M. G., Kozlov P. A., Ivakin D. A. |
Информация об авторах | LLC “UMMC-Holding”, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Russia. A. M. Panshin, Technical Director
Institute of Material Science and Metallurgy, Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia:
JSC “Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant”, Chelyabinsk, Russia |
Название | Technology of waste water purification with extraction of valuable components and implementation of closed-loop water circulation system |
Авторы | Fatkhutdinova O. A., Panshin A. M., Zatonskiy A. V., Kozlov P. A. |
Информация об авторах | JSC “Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant”, Chelyabinsk, Russia: O. A. Fatkhutdinova, Leading Production Engineer of Engineering Center, e-mail: oaf@zinc.ru
LLC “UMMC-Holding”, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Russia: A. M. Panshin, Technical Director |
Laboratory testings | |
Название | Development of ecofriendly technology of processing of electric-arc furnace dusts together with lime slime of waste water purification of zinc enterprises |
Авторы | Kozlov P. A., Ivakin D. A., Reshetnikov Yu. V. |
Информация об авторах | JSC “Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant”, Chelyabinsk, Russia: P. A. Kozlov, Head of Engineering Center, e-mail: pak@zinc.ru |
Название | Gallium extraction from alkali-carbonate solutions by nitrogen-containing phenolic reactants |
Авторы | Ershova Ya. Yu., Lysakova E. I., Tsygankova M. V., Reznik A. M. |
Информация об авторах | Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies named after M. V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia: Ya. Yu. Ershova, Post-Graduate Student, e-mail: ershovajana@gmail.com |
Название | Improvement of casting technology of large aircraft engine parts, made of VT20L (ВТ20Л) alloy, using computer simulation methods |
Авторы | Koltygin A. V., Bazhenov V. E., Fadeev A. V. |
Информация об авторах | National University of Science and Technology “MISiS”, Moscow, Russia: A. V. Koltygin, Assistant Professor of a Chair of Casting Process Technologies, e-mail: misistlp@mail.ru |
Название | Research of gas flow movement in flash smelting furnace of Nadezhda metallurgical plant by mathematical modeling methods |
Авторы | Talalov V. A., Krupnov L. V., Rumyantsev D. V., Starykh R. V. |
Информация об авторах | Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: V. A. Talalov, Professor of a Chair of Hydroaerodynamics R. V. Starykh, Assistant Professor of a Chair of Metallurgy Technology
Polar Division of JSC “Norilsk Nikel”, Norilsk, Russia:
LLC “Gipronikel” Institute, Saint Petersburg, Russia: |