Eurasian Mining

Название | Justification of new opportunities for the use of the gravitational energy of the earth in underground ore mining with convergent geotechnologies |
Авторы | Eremenko V. A., Galchenko Yu. P., Yanbekov A. M. |
Информация об авторах | NUST MISIS’ College of Mining, Moscow, Russia: Eremenko V. A., Director of Research Center for Applied Geomechanics and Convergent Mining Technologies, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Galchenko Yu. P., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor |
Название | Influence of soil–tunnel lining interface on its control by acoustic response to impulse impact |
Авторы | Nabatov V. V., Voznesenskii A. S. |
Информация об авторах | National University of Science and Technology—NUST MISIS, Moscow, Russia: Nabatov V. V., Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, |
Название | Russian fuel and energy complex technology policy at the moment of energy transition |
Автор | Zhdaneev O. V. |
Информация об авторе | FSBU Russian Energy Agency of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Moscow Russia: Zhdaneev O. V., Candidate of Physico-mathematical Sciences, Deputy Director General, |
Название | Tectonic zonality of sedimentation cover in the Black Sea–Caspian Region |
Авторы | Senin B. V., Mustaev R. N., Kerimov V. Yu., Leonchik M. I. |
Информация об авторах | JSC Yuzhmorgeologiya, Gelendzhik, Russia: Senin B. V., Doctor of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences Mustaev R. N., Head of Department, Candidate of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences, |
Название | Modern structural and tectonic model of the Caspian Region |
Авторы | Kerimov V. Yu., Mustaev R. N., Senin B. V., Alieva S. A. |
Информация об авторах | Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State University for Geological Prospecting, Moscow, Russia: Kerimov V. Yu., Chief Researcher, Head of Department, Doctor of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences
JSC Yuzhmorgeologiya, Gelendzhik, Russia: Senin B. V., Doctor of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan: Alieva S. A., Associate Professor, Candidate of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences |
Название | The structure and role of faulting and fracturing system in spatial oil saturation of rocks and in occurrence of oil reservoirs within Chezhen sag of Jiyang depression in the Bohai Bay Basin in East China |
Авторы | Kasyanova N. A., Qiu Sh. |
Информация об авторах | Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State University for Geological Prospecting, Moscow, Russia: Kasyanova N. A., Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor, |
Название | An innovative way of underground mining |
Авторы | Oryngozhin Y. S., Bitimbaev M. Zh., Milеtenko N. A., Alisheva Zh. N. |
Информация об авторах | AUPET named after Gumarbek Daukeyev, Almaty, Kazakhstan: Oryngozhin Y. S., Chief Researcher, Academician, Doctor of Engineering Sciences,
D. A. Kunaev Institute of Mining, Almaty, Kazakhstan: Bitimbaev M. Zh., Leading Researcher, Doctor of Engineering Sciences Alisheva Zh. N., Senior Researcher
Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources—IPKON, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia: Milеtenko N. A., Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences |
Название | Improvement and systematization of principles and process flows in mineral mining in the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Авторы | Rysbekov K. B., Bitimbayev M. Zh., Akhmetkanov D. K., Miletenko N. A. |
Информация об авторах | Satbayev University, Almaty, Kazakhstan: Rysbekov K. B., Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,
Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources—IPKON, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia: |
Название | Effect of high-power electromagnetic pulses and dielectric barrier discharges on physicochemical and flotation properties of perovskite |
Авторы | Chanturiya V. A., Bunin I. Zh., Ryazantseva M. V., Khabarova I. A. |
Информация об авторах | Academician Melnikov Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia: Chanturiya V. A., Chief Researcher, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences |
Название | High-effective magnetic hydrocycloning equipment for magnetite ore processing |
Авторы | Lavrinenko A. A., Sysa P. A., Agarkov I. I. |
Информация об авторах | Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia: Lavrinenko A. A., Head of Laboratory, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, |
Название | Influence of ore processing behavior on heap-leach cyanidation and agitation leaching efficiency |
Авторы | Fedotov P. K., Senchenko A. E., Fedotov K. V., Burdonov A. E. |
Информация об авторах | Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia: Fedotov P. K., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Senchenko A. E., Chief Executive Officer |
Название | Effective strengthening solutions for fractured rock masses using tailings |
Авторы | Bek А. А., Yestemesov Z. А., Baidzhanov D. О., Fedotenko N. А. |
Информация об авторах | Karaganda State Technical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan: Bek А. А., Candidate for a Doctor’s Degree, Yestemesov Z. А., Director of Laboratory, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor
Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources—IPKON, Moscow, Russia: Fedotenko N. А., Senior Researcher |
Название | Substantiation of parameters and efficiency of sandwich belt high angle conveyors for deep open pit mines |
Авторы | Sheshko E. E., Galkin V. I. |
Информация об авторах | National University of Science and Technology—NUST MISIS, Moscow, Russia: Sheshko E. E., Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, |
Название | Rolling resistance coefficient of belt conveyor rollers as function of operating conditions in mines |
Авторы | Malakhov V. A., Tropako A. V., Dyachenko V. P. |
Информация об авторах | NUST MISIS’ College of Mining, Moscow, Russia: Malakhov V. A., Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor,
Tropako A. V., Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Chief Specialist |
Название | Modeling impact fracture of rock by hydraulic hammer pick with regard to its bluntness |
Авторы | Bolobov V. I., Chupin S. A., Le-Thanh B. |
Информация об авторах | Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: Bolobov V. I., Senior Researcher, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences,
Vinacomin—Institute of Energy and Mining Mechanical Engineering (IEMM), Hanoi, Viet Nam: |
Название | Performability of electro-hydro-mechanical rotary head of drill rig in open pit mining: A case-study |
Авторы | Muminov R. O., Kuziev D. A., Zotov V. V., Sazankova E. S. |
Информация об авторах | Navoi State Mining Institute, Navoi, Uzbekistan: Muminov R. O., Associate Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
National University of Science and Technology—MISIS, Moscow, Russia: Kuziev D. A., Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, |
Название | The use of frequency converter and active rectifier of voltage for the power quality improvement in coal longwalls |
Авторы | Shevyreva N. Yu., Shevyrev Yu. V., Bobokin G. I. |
Информация об авторах | Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia: Shevyreva N. Yu., Candidate of Engineering Sciences,
National University of Science and Technology—NUST MISIS, Moscow, Russia: |
Название | Safety of mining in the Kupol deposit based on the analysis and evaluation of geological processes in underground mine (CHAO, Anadyr District) |
Авторы | Dashko R. E., Romanov I. S. |
Информация об авторах | Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia: Dashko R. E., Professor at the Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology Department, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, |
Название | Review of global trends in meeting the ecological challenges of the mining industry. Part I: International research |
Авторы | Zenkov I. V., Kiryushina E. V., Vokin V. N., Maglinets Yu. A. |
Информация об авторах | Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia: Zenkov I. V., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, |
Название | Dialectical contradictions in development and implementation of innovation intelligence potential in mining engineers |
Авторы | Prokopenko S. A., Ravochkin N. N., Dyagileva A. V., Shadrin V. G. |
Информация об авторах | VostNII Science Center, Kemerovo, Russia: Prokopenko S. A., Leading Researcher, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences,
Kuzbass State Technical University, Kemerovo, Russia1 ; Kuzbass State Agricultural Academy, Kemerovo, Russia2: Ravochkin N. N.1,2, Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences
Kuzbass State Technical University, Kemerovo, Russia: Dyagileva A. V., Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russia: Shadrin V. G., Associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences |