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ArticleName International rare earth metals market and processing technologies: State-of-the-art and future prospects (Part 2)
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2015.03.12
ArticleAuthor Yushina T. I., Petrov I. M., Grishaev S. I., Chernyi S. A.

Author 1:
Name & Surname: Yushina T. I.
Company: Mining Institute, National University of Science and Technology MISiS (Moscow, Russia)
Work Position: Head of department
Scientific Degree: Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Contacts: e-mail:

Author 2:
Name & Surname: Petrov I. M.
Company: INFOMINE Market Research Group (Moscow, Russia)
Work Position: General Director
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Engineering Sciences

Author 3:
Name & Surname: Grishaev S. I.
Company: Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)
Work Position: Head of division, Metallurgy, Machine Tool Building and Heavy Production Department
Scientific Degree: Candidate of Economic Sciences

Author 4:
Name & Surname: Chernyi S. A.
Company: Berezniki Division, Perm National Research Polytechnic Institute (Berezniki, Russia)
Work Position: Head of department
Scientific Degree: Candidate of Economic Sciences


The article gives a review of the current technologies of rare earth metals processing at operating plants in Russia (Lovozersky deposit) and abroad (Bayan OBO (China), Mountain Pass (USA), Mount Weld (Australia), etc. The analysis of the rare earth metal mining projects in the world shows that generally rare earth metal processing and concentration uses conventional technologies of mechanical preparation — flotation, gravity, magnetic separation, electric separation, etc., and their combinations. Some mineral processing projects involve hydrometallurgical methods, which is conditioned by features of material constitution of the raw material. The authors discuss basic processes and technologies of preparing rare earth metals concentrates with production of various compounds and individual rare earth metals. Particular attention is paid to the rare earth metals industry branch in Russia, with suggested lines of growth of the raw material base and rare earth metals production, including extraction of rare earth metals in processing of apatite concentrates.

The authors debate on the basic tasks and solutions in the framework of the subprogram “Development of the Rare Metals and Rare Earth Metals Industry” of the Russia’s government program “Industrial Development and Competitive Recovery over the Period to 2020”.

This is the last part of the article. The first part was published in Gorny Zhurnal, 2015, No. 2.

keywords Rare earth metals reserves and resources in Russia and the world, mineral dressing technologies, mineral processing methods, rare earth metal market

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Language of full-text russian
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