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Development of metallurgy in Russia and CIS
ArticleName Development of steel ingot casting technology
ArticleAuthor V. S. Dub, A. N. Romashkin, A. N. Malginov, I. A. Ivanov

State Research Center «CNIITMASH» (Moscow, Russia):

Dub V. S., Dr. Eng., Scientific Director of the Institute of Metallurgy and Machine-Building,
Romashkin A. N., Cand. Eng., Head of large Ingot Lab.,
Malginov A. N., Scientific Fellow,
Ivanov I. A., Cand. Phys.-Math., Leading Scientific Fellow,


The paper presents the history of mastering of large ingot steel casting and prospective technological approaches used in ingot casting of high-quality steel. Such technical features as multi-ladle casting, optimization of ingot geometry, optimization of chemical composition of cast metal, mastering of hollow ingot production, jet vacuum processing, bottom casting of large ingots, materials for insulation of feeder head, protection of secondary oxidizing and accelerated cooling conditions are examined. Recommendations on improvement of technological procedures of steel ingot casting that are used at national works are given. The presented review of casting technologies of steel ingot casting has displayed the ways of technological provision of ingot quality properties that will met the current requirements of machine building industry. Additionally, it is recommended to conduct steel ingot casting from metal with standard set of properties, meaning gas content, oxygen activity in metal melt, general chemical composition and temperature. It will help to provide stable properties of fi nished metal products.

keywords Iron and steel industry, large ingots, ingot steel casting, vacuum processing, degassing, mould, feeder head, chemical composition

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