Journals →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2016 →  #4 →  Back

ArticleName Development and implementation of the system for management of design data at «VNII Galurgy» Stock Co.
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2016.04.18
ArticleAuthor Guryashov I. A., Pilipenko E. S., Rusakov A. S.

VNII Galurgy Stock Co., St. Petersburg, Russia:

I. A. Guryashov, Chief Specialist,
A. S. Rusakov, Leading Engineer


NIP-Informatika LLC., St. Petersburg, Russia:

E. S. Pilipenko, Head of Department


The paper deals with tasks of managing the design data and methods for their resolving through using the TDMS program software as it is the most advanced and efficient system, which has been determined on the basis of analysis of possibilities for the platforms being suggested, considering the particular specific conditions. The basis for TDMS is an objectoriented kernel (core) enabling to adjust a flexible environment for development of design facilities (projects, products, structures) and connect into the unified information space the dissimilar electronic documents and events. Here is described a successful implementation of the design data management system (DDMS) on the TDMS platform at VNII Galurgy Stock Co. The goals for the implementation were: decrease of time for projects' output; improvement in their quality; improvement of management processes and control over current projects underway. Here are given the main functions of the system: prompt operational observation (monitoring) after the course of projects' execution, analysis of deviations in the actual completion dates from the scheduled dates for delivery of work; strict regulation for activities of all the participants taking part in the process of design engineering; organization of team work and unified information space for the work over a project; creation of an electronic archive (storage) for documentation. DDMS includes the subsystems for task exchange, for managing the accompanying documents, electronic document turnover, electronic archive. Here are described the implementation stages, as well as adopted engineering decisions. Attention has been paid to the hardships in the system implementation which are connected with overcoming a psychological barrier occurring among the personnel at that period. An account has been given about the experience of comprehensive approach to teaching the specialist in the course of implementation. Wholeness and integrity of DDMS have been demonstrated, thus suggesting the transition from systematization of the information to widening the knowledge about an object (facility). Promising trends of calendar-network planning that are currently being developed have been considered, as well as motivation for the personnel on the basis of implemented DDMS. The results obtained promote to increase the work activity of the employees, to improve the risk management and team work on the design projects.

keywords Design data management system, TDMS, program software, implementation, task management, electronic archive, electronic document turnover, planning

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Full content Development and implementation of the system for management of design data at «VNII Galurgy» Stock Co.