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ArticleName Development of the method of electrolyzers' energy mode control for aluminium production
DOI 10.17580/tsm.2016.05.06
ArticleAuthor Sysoev I. A., Kondratev V. V., Shakhray S. G., Karlina A. I.

National Research Irkutsk State Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia:

I. A. Sysoev, Leading Researcher of the Innovation Technologies Department of Physical and Technical Institute
V. V. Kondratev, Head of the Innovation Technologies Department of Physical and Technical Institute

A. I. Karlina, Deputy Head of Scientific Depatrment


Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia:
S. G. Shakhray, Assistant Professor of a Chair of Technosphere Safety of Mining and Metallurgical Production, e-mail:


This article briefly analyzes the possible approaches to control the energy mode of electrolyzers and the electrolyte composition. There was made a review of literature, describing the control of energy mode of different types of electrolyzers. The advantages and disadvantages of the different ways used in the world practice were defined. A correct temperature of electrolyte and overheat size are the major factors, defining the achievement of high technical and economic indexes of electrolytic aluminium obtaining. The methods of development of low-cost and effective method of electrolyzer energy mode control were defined on the basis of the studied materials. Experiments were carried out on development of the formula for the calculation of liquidus electrolyte temperature. There were studied the effects of various factors on the electrolyte thermal response during aluminum production. This work objective is to determine optimal parameters and create an algorithm to control the electrolyzers' energy mode by monitoring and automated maintaining of the operation voltage and the electrolyte temperature structure within the specified limits. On the basis of the created control algorithm, the computer program was worked out and its industrial tests were conducted on an operating production. The study results can be used in developing and implementing the technology of electrolyzer automated control for aluminum production.

keywords Electrolyzer, aluminum, electrolyte, temperature, voltage, current, electric power, energy mode control

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