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Casting and Foundry production
ArticleName Production of thin-walled cast iron castings of frame-cellular and ordered honeycomb structures
DOI 10.17580/chm.2023.09.15
ArticleAuthor I. O. Leushin, L. I. Leushina, O. S. Koshelev, P. A. Gorokhov

Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after. R. E. Alekseev, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia:

I. O. Leushin, Dr. Eng., Prof., Head of the Dept. of Metallurgical Technologies and Equipment, e-mail:
L. I. Leushina, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof,, Dept. of Metallurgical Technologies and Equipment, e-mail:
O. S. Koshelev, Dr. Eng., Prof., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Technological Complexes
P. A. Gorokhov, Graduate Student, Dept. of Metallurgical Technologies and Equipment, e-mail:


Thin-walled metal products of frame-cellular and ordered honeycomb structures are widely used as: parts of lightweight load-bearing, reinforcing, insulating, enclosing, shock-damping structures; structural elements capable of being in a liquid or gaseous medium, completely or partially passing through a flow of substance or energy, applicable for separating waste during the purification of gases and liquids; noise absorption parts, explosion and flame arresters, heat exchange, adsorption, acoustic devices, elements of current sources, catalysts, crystallizers, electrodes, as well as a reinforcing frame of composite materials from the metal-polymer group. However, the known methods of their production are characterized by high technological risks, as  well as complexity, labor intensity and other disadvantages. In this regard, the task was set todevelop and test a technology for the production of such cast iron products while minimizing such disadvantages of known technical solutions as high risks of violation of geometric accuracy and labor-intensive manufacturing, as well as insufficient assembly variability, leading to limited possibilities for controlling the operational properties and characteristics of the product taking into account its functional purpose. An innovative technology for the production of such products by lost foam casting is proposed. A special feature is the assembly of the lost pattern structure from repeating cells, and by forming from parallel located foam plates-layers with through passage holes, offset relative to each other. In this case, the number, thickness, type and magnitude of the relative displacement of the plate layers, the cross-sectional shape of the through holes and the angle of deviation of their symmetry axes from the normal to the surface of plates vary. The technology has undergone successful pilot testing and is recommended for implementation in existing production conditions.

keywords Thin-walled cast iron castings, frame-cellular structure, ordered honeycomb structure, foam metal, lost foam casting, relative displacement, plate-layer, variation

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Language of full-text russian
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