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ArticleName Analysis of broken-rock disintegration using photogrammetric method
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.09.02
ArticleAuthor Ilyukhin D. A., Marinin M. A., Rakhmanov R. A.

Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

D. A. Ilyukhin, Associate Professor at Surveying Department, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
M. A. Marinin, Head of Blasting Department, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,


Academician Melnikov Research Institute for Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources—IPKON, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia:
R. A. Rakhmanov, Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences


The objective of the study is the improvement of the efficiency of open-pit mines. The main direction of the study is the operational provision of mining industry workers with detailed data on the geometric parameters of rock masses. The geometry of blocks before and after blasting was evaluated by automated photogrammetry using unmanned aerial vehicles. The studies were carried out in the stripping blocks of a gold ore quarry with regard to three conditional groups of these blocks based on the direction of blasting: towards the mined-out void, towards the free bench area and towards a muck pile, at the adopted drilling-and-blasting design in the quarry. Full cycles of detailed surveys were accomplished in 17 blast blocks before and after blasting. The studies discover a correlation between the geometric characteristics of a blast block and the fragmentation parameters. Using modern software systems, various geometric characteristics were determined for the survey blocks, including spatial position of a block, as well as the cap height and the linear width of the broken-rock disintegration. The possibility of surveying by the method of automated photogrammetry with ground control points for the real-time determination of geometric parameters of the broken-rock disintegration, without stopping loading operations during mine surveying is confirmed. The recommendations on automated aerial photography of broken-rock disintegration in quarries are given.

keywords Quarry, open pit mining, mine surveying, photogrammetric survey method, automated aerial photography, blast block, broken rocks

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