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ArticleName About urgent measures for recultivation of uranium manufacture in Caucasian Mineralnye Vody region
ArticleAuthor Karamushka V. P.

V. P. Karamushka, Head of KBPII,, Joint Stock Company «Design-Prospecting and Scientific-Research Institute of IndustriaI TechnoIogy».

The problems of liquidation of radiation dangerous manufactures and recultivation of territories, disturbed with mining works and technogenetics wastes of mining-metallurgical processing of uranium-thorium-bearing ores have been expounded on the base of example of close objects for extraction and processing of uranium ores in the area of the Caucasian mineral water. Technical and organizing measures for radiation protection of the environment and population are proposed.
keywords Extraction and processing of radioactive ores, liquidation (long storage) of radiative dangerous objects, recultivation of disturbed territories, wastes after processing, tailing dump, radionuclides.

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Language of full-text russian
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